Face of ‘high risk sexual predator’ who poses a threat to teenage girls

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Face of 'high risk sexual predator' who poses a threat to teenage girls

A 20-year-old man from St Ives, described by police as a “high-risk sexual predator”, has been placed under strict conditions for the next five years. Armaan Ahmed, of Spinney Way, St Ives, has been issued a Sexual Risk Order (SRO) due to concerns about his threat to teenage girls.

The order imposes multiple restrictions, and any breach could result in a prison sentence of up to five years.

What Restrictions Must Armaan Ahmed Follow?

Under the SRO, Ahmed must strictly follow several conditions designed to limit his contact with underage girls and protect the public. These include:

Restrictions on Contact with Under-18s

  • He must not contact or attempt to contact any girl under 18, directly or indirectly, unless it is unavoidable in daily life or he is supervised by an adult aware of the order.
  • He must not follow or loiter near any girl under 18 in a public place.

Restrictions on His Location & Movement

  • He cannot stay overnight at hotels or booked lodgings without notifying police at least five days in advance.
  • He must not be in any residential premises where a girl under 18 lives for more than 12 hours in a 24-hour period, unless police have granted permission.
  • He is banned from loitering within 20 meters of any school, college, or childcare facility for under-18s.

Monitoring of His Internet & Devices

  • He must inform police of all devices capable of internet access within three days of acquiring them.
  • He must provide PINs and passwords for any such device when requested by police.

Additional Reporting Requirements

  • He must notify police of any job applications (paid or voluntary) within three days of applying.
  • He must report his exact location to police immediately if requested.
  • He must notify police of any overnight stays at addresses other than his home within three days of the stay.
  • He must report any repeated private contact from under-18s within three days.
  • He must present himself at the door of any premises he is in when requested by a police officer.

Police Statement: Order Necessary to Protect Girls & Women

PC Adriana Leaver Hernandez, from the Child Exploitation Hub, explained why the order was necessary:

“Ahmed has shown he is a high-risk sexual predator who targets and exploits vulnerable girls and women in the community, with multiple reports made against him. This order is necessary to prevent further sexual harm to other children and protect women and girls.”

She also urged the public to be vigilant:

“We are committed to protecting children from exploitation and preventing others from coming into harm. Anyone with concerns that a child may be at risk should report it to the police and local authorities immediately.”

Understanding Sexual Risk Orders (SROs)

An SRO is a legal measure similar to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO). It is used to restrict individuals who pose a serious sexual risk but may not have been convicted of a specific offence.

  • Violating the SRO is a criminal offence, punishable by up to five years in prison.
  • The order also makes Ahmed a Registered Sex Offender for its full five-year duration.

What Happens Next?

Authorities will closely monitor Ahmed’s actions to ensure compliance with the SRO. Any violation will result in immediate legal consequences.


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